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The Transforming Goals of an Educator

 Reflecting Upon the Past and Considering the Present

By Noel McDowell


Time moves forward moment by moment but often feels as though it is moving in flashes. We need to slow down, despite all of the expectations put upon us by administrators and truly take our students into consideration. As I browse through my goals statement from 2010, I realize that I was entirely focused on the academic needs of my students. With nearly three years of experience behind me I now know and understand more that I did then and my goals have morphed, transformed and grown.


Since beginning my degree program I have changed job positions. I am now the Deaf Education teacher for 7th through 12th grade at Flint Southwestern Classical Academy. This position is an extreme difference from the technology laden position of teaching American Sign Language via interactive television of previous. My original goal was to stay up to date on the latest technology usage. In my new teaching position I have come to realize that the latest technology is not always available for teacher or student use. Instead, it is more important to utilize what you have to the greatest extent of your ability. We do not have laptops in our classroom and many of my students do not have home internet access. Therefore, I need to be creative and teach everything that I can with the limited supplies of an urban school district. I need to ensure that my students are receiving the same educational level as students with the current technology.


My following goal was the stay up to date on teaching methods and assessment methods. I feel that these are incredibly important in the field of Deaf Education. Deaf Education is an area that is ever-changing. Researchers are constantly finding new methods of teaching that may benefit the students on a greater level. My students currently average a second grade reading level, thus it is imperative for me to continue to change and adapt my teaching practices to give the students the instruction that they need.


While reflecting upon my goals of previous I realized that while they are still very important to me, I have also created new goals. I want to make the most of each moment that I have with my students. Time passes by, the school year is gone before we know it and what do our students have to show for their time in school? I want to make every moment count through meaningful instruction and individualized education. I have also realized that self-respect and kindness is often neglected in education. My students cover their ears with ear muffs so that others are not able to see that they are wearing hearing aids. I have made it my goal for them to become comfortable with themselves. They are the most important person in their life and they need to realize as such. Through volunteer work and community service my students are becoming more compassionate and understanding of the world around us. A world that they did not notice or take into consideration before. We have gone to the food bank, made and donated dog toys and created blankets for Project Linus. Project such as these may stray from the curriculum but students need to learn that coming together as a community and helping others is one of the most important life lessons.


So, while time has passed quickly and my life has changed immensely since joining this Masters program, I am at peace with the world in which I am living. My goals will continue to change as I see the needs for my students change. That is the ultimate goal; to give my students the education and support that they each need and deserve.

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